Mood board: Pretty in pink
Designer Lindy Collins, owner of L. Collins Interiors, was recently tasked with remodeling a bathroom for her client’s daughter.
There were only two requirements: using the child’s favorite colors — pink and green — and working within the existing footprint of the bathroom. Here is a look at her vision, from concept to completion.
1The Thatcher wallpaper by Pepper Home was the starting point for the room’s design, as it offered the perfect shades of pink and green, Collins says. 2A woven wicker mirror from Madre Dallas brings warmth to the room. 3Collins picked Alberto floral sconces by Julie Neill to echo the design of the wallpaper, virtually bringing it to life. 4The custom vanity by Woodstock Cabinets is painted Benjamin Moore’s Pink Bliss, which complements the wallpaper. “With just a hint of pink, the vanity color will remain timeless as the client’s daughter matures,” she says.
5 Collins chose the Boca Raton faucet and Pendleton shower fixtures in a classic polished nickel finish from Signature Hardware.
6 White quartz countertops with honed marble floor and shower tiles showcase the vanity and wallpaper colors.
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